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Getting Started
  1. About the Dr Paper software package
  2. Installing Dr Paper for use with Word
  3. Check your Security Settings, Enable Macros, set Trusted Locations
  4. Accessing Dr Paper from the Windows Programs Menu

Create a New Document
  1. Create a new Word document for an APA, MLA or Turabian paper.
  2. Copying a paper you've already written into a formatted document.
  3. Using Styles to correctly format headings, quotes, and the body of the paper.
Enter References, Format Cites and Reference Lists
  1. About CiteWrite.
  2. Start CiteWrite.
  3. Enter bibliographic information.
  4. Save your datafile!
  5. Set the Style for your in-text citations.
  6. Find the datafile entry for the work you need to cite.
  7. Insert in text (Author-Date) citations into your document.
  8. Footnotes or Endnotes (MLA or Turabian).
  9. Writing a Reference List (APA Style).
  10. Writing a List of Works Cited (MLA Style).
  11. Writing a Bibliography (Turabian Style).

  1. Dissertations

Additional Information

APA Basics Turabian Basics

Using Dr Paper Software with Google Docs

  • Bibliography for this Help File

    These are the pages to be worked on:

    Dr Paper Software works with Word or Google Docs to help you create APA, MLA, and Turabian formatted documents and references easily and correctly.

    Dr Paper takes care of formatting details (margins, cover pages, page numbers, section headings, etc.) so you can concentrate on your writing.

    Use your brain and time for writing.
    Let Dr Paper do the formatting.

    If you don't have it already, download Dr Paper now!
    You can purchase directly from The Write Direction, or use your amazon account:

  • © 1987 - 2019 The Write Direction Inc.
    Publishers of Dr Paper Software, Citation, and the Collegiate Bookshelf.
    All Rights Reserved.

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