Using the Online App for Your Referenes:

  1. Entering Bibliographic Information
  2. Set Your Bibliographic Citation Style
  3. Turabian Footnotes
  4. APA In-text citations
  5. Write Bibliography / Reference List

Using the Citation App: Set the Style for In-text Cites
As you are writing, you will want to have your Citation datafile open and set to the Publishing Style you need for your in-text citations.

There are three basic styles from which you can choose:

  • Author-Date In-text Cites (APA or Turabian Scientific Style)
  • Author-Page (MLA)
  • Footnotes (Turabian)
Dr Paper's installs with *In text cite, Author-Date, APA as the default style.


Click Format, In text cites in Preview Box.

The Preview Box is initially set to APA Author-Date. If this is the style you are using, you don't need to reset the style for this paper.
On the PC:
Show Preview Box

On the Mac:
Format Short List


Click the Styles tab, and select the Publishing Style.

We have selected Turabian Footnotes in our example.
On the PC:
Select Style for Preview Box

On the Mac:
Select Style for Preview Box

Citation will display the record in the Edit Panel as an in-text cite, in the Publishing Style you have selected.
(The screen looks basically the same on the PC and the Mac.)

You are now ready to begin citing sources as you write your paper.

You are ready to enter bibliographic data

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Publishers of Dr Paper Software, Citation, and the Collegiate Bookshelf.
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