Intext (Author-Date) Cites

Intext citations, for APA Style (Author-Date Cites), are placed in the body of your paper. The in-text citation includes the author's last name, the year of publication (Rawlings, 2020), and, sometimes, if the material is a direct quotation, a specific page reference (Brown & West, 2019, p. 234).

Open your paper, and put the cursor where you would like to place the cite.


Place for the author-date in-text cite

Switch to zbib. Click the In-text icon next to the reference you need to cite.
A dialog will display, with the reference formatted as an intext cite, and a text box that allows you to enter a specific page reference for any direct quotations of material from the source work.

Click the Copy Citation button.

Insert Intext cite into your paper

Insert Intext cite into your paper

Go to your document, and make sure the cursor is where you want to place the intext cite.

Click Edit, Paste and Match Formatting to place the in-text cite in your paper.

Check your document to make sure the cite has been placed successfully.


Turabian footnote written to Word document from CiteWrite

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