Creating a New Document in APA, MLA or Turabian Format

After installing Dr Paper Software on your computer, you will have access to Dr Paper's APA (7th edition), MLA and Turabian templates for academic papers.

To create a new document, double-click on the template you need.

APA, MLA and Turabian in Google Docs

Click on the prompts and enter information for your paper (title, author, date submitted, etc.).
Note that the prompts are in slightly different places for MLA and Turabian papers.

APA Research Paper in Google Docs

Dr Paper Software works with Word or Google Docs to help you create APA, MLA, and Turabian formatted documents and references easily and correctly.

Dr Paper takes care of formatting details (margins, cover pages, page numbers, section headings, etc.) so you can concentrate on your writing.

Use your brain and time for writing.
Let Dr Paper do the formatting.

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Publishers of Dr Paper Software, Citation, and the Collegiate Bookshelf.
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