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Start CiteWrite and Create a New Datafile.

As you are researching the topic for your paper, you will want to be making notes of the bibliographic information for the works you are consulting.

Dr Paper provides you will a handy app for storing and formatting the bibliographic information for your sources. Once you have entered the information into the app, you will be able to format your in-text cites, footnotes, and reference lists for your paper, easily and correctly.

When you start your research for a paper, you will need to create a datafile for that paper.

To start CiteWrite, start Word, and then click Add-ins, Dr Paper, References.
Alternatively, you can double-click on the CiteWrite icon on your desktop.


Dr Paper Style Menu

The Open Existing or Create New Datafile Dialog will display.

When CiteWrite is opened for the first time, the list will be blank.

Click the Create New Datafile button.

Click here if you need instructions for opening an existing datafile


Open existing or create new datafile in CiteWrite

Choose the type of source work from the Select Form dialog.


Select the form for your research source in CiteWrite

Citation will display a blank record.

Before you go any further, click File, Save.

Save and name your newdatafile

Give your new datafile a name, and then click Save.

We recommend that you give the datafile a name related to the paper, with the tag "refs."

Name and then save your new datafile

You are now ready to begin entering bibliographic data for your research paper.

You are ready to enter bibliographic data

If you used CiteWrite before, the datafiles you have worked with recently will be listed. Click to highlight the datafile, and then click OK and begin working with your references.


Open existing or create new datafile in CiteWrite

Dr Paper Software works with Word or Google Docs to help you create APA, MLA, and Turabian formatted documents and references easily and correctly.

Dr Paper takes care of formatting details (margins, cover pages, page numbers, section headings, etc.) so you can concentrate on your writing.

Use your brain and time for writing.
Let Dr Paper do the formatting.

© 1987 - 2019 The Write Direction Inc.
Publishers of Dr Paper Software, Citation, and the Collegiate Bookshelf.
All Rights Reserved.

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