If you like, you can enter bibliographic information for your papers in one datafile, and then have CiteWrite build your Reference List by using your in-text citations.
1.  Start Word, and open your paper.

2.  Open your datafile, and set the options on the bibliography dialog..
Make sure you have set CiteWrite to build the Reference List from the In-text cites:

3.  Click OK to have CiteWrite create a COPY of your original paper with a Reference List.

CiteWrite will display a dialog listing in-text cites for which matching references were found in your datafile, as well as a list of those NOT FOUND.

If you have text in your document that is in parentheses, CiteWrite will list that text as an in-text cite that does not match any of the entries in your datafile.

If you find numerous ACTUAL in-text cites listed as NOT FOUND, you will need to check your document and datafile to make sure you have not made typos in one or the other.

Click View, Print Layout to see the finished document.


4.  Once again: Use Word to SAVE your document with a name you will remember. Once the document has been created, you can edit it as you would any other Word document.

BACKUP your paper regularly.